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Our Story

The Path To Relief: Preserving Care For Tomorrow

Girl Gazing

Our organization's story first begins at our breaking point. The work that connected a network of energetic and passionate hopefuls, soon became a collection of overworked advocates. 

While there was no shortage of those in need, we struggled to meet the constant demand for care. Like so many other Non Profits, trying to balance the needs of the organization, its supporters and mission, while also providing the best support to constituents ,proved to be one of the greatest threats to the quality of care we offered.

This forced us to take a step back and think. If we burn out, who is going to help those that depend on us? As we tried to answer this we realized, if we were feeling like this, then so many other organizations and its supporters might be feeling the same. 


The world looks to the Non Profit sector to reach and supplement the needs of the most disenfranchised. However, while these organizations are the face of service, their sacrifice often goes unnoticed. The barriers organizations overcome from donor overreliance, overworked staff, inadequate knowledge management and more, have a direct impact on the efficacy of their work. 

It is estimated by some that 64% of ID projects fail to produce much needed intended impact for beneficiaries.

(Lovegrove, Ge- bre, Lee & Kumar, 2011, pg 215).


Tru Relief became the response to one simple question: What support can be made available to empower those at the front lines of service? 

As community serving organizations struggle to meet the development needs of their constituents, there is little support offered to address the development challenges of their own organization. When Non Profits go unsupported, we are asking them to serve at their own expense. This is not only a direct threat to the work they provide, but the long term sustainability of their organization.

We are here to provide the marketplace for participating organizations to access the opportunities they need to directly address their capacity building challenges; so they can return to the front lines of service today, and tomorrow.

We’re here to provide a new type of Relief, Tru Relief. 

Tru Team


Brandon Joel

Executive Director


Board Member

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Kiah Sandler



Board Member

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Efraín Soria

Board Member

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Tomeka Robinson

Board Member

Operations & Outreach Manager

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Camila Hnyda

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