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Tru Development

Our development clinic offers monthly workshops, training and events to provide capacity building opportunities for our partners and their constituents.

TruRelief develops network programs for the exchange of support, resources and information. We create opportunities for our participating members to find alternative solutions to their development challenges grounded in collaboration and participatory interventions.

As organizations join the KNI, we do individual assessments with them to learn of their particular needs for intervention and capacity building. Then we create programming that directly address their needs. From training, workshops and lectures, we customize the exact capacity building opportunities our partners need to provide the best care for their constituents and communities.

While some NGOs lack the same resources of others, they are still those most equipped to solve community issues. The barriers put in their place, prevent them from balancing the needs of their constituents and that of the organization. Tru relief serves as the marketplace of resources, development and support powered by network participation. When thinking about social development, organizations are at the front line of intervention, and we are here from them.

Through network interventions, we provide programming to subsidize the barriers to organizational capacity building by giving both organizations and individuals opportunities to access an alternative form of relief, Tru Relief.

TruRelief support intervention happens on three levels:

  • Networking

  • Programing

  • Collaborating

Programs: Summary of Each Program (but each will need its own separate page)

  • KNI: The goal of this initiative is to construct a network of organizations for the purposes of creating, sharing, and exchanging resources. An initiative that serves as the marketplace for network collaboration, where mission critical knowledge is shared to increase effectiveness of an organization's community intervention efforts. Organizations join as partners and participate in both individual and network wide community intervention projects.

  • Tru Development: TruReliefs wants to advance social development from the organizational to constituent level. As a part of onboarding network membership, our team meets with each organization to assess their organizations and constituents development needs. While KNI serves as the marketplace for collaboration and networking. Our Tru Development Clinic offers targeted workshops, training and events to directly address the barriers to capacity building.

  • That’s why we’ve developed our own Personal Development Clinic called TruSpeakers. These clinics are aimed at empowering individuals and organizations to acquire skills or knowledge needed to advocate for their development needs. We want to help create communities where individuals or organizations are given the tools needed to advance their community. The clinic will run monthly workshops, training and events to give advancement opportunities for partners and their constituents.

Relief Hub: The Relief Hub is our signature outreach program designed to join organizations on the front lines of care.While we love supporting organizations at best delivering care to their constituents, our networks of change makers are ready to be a part of being a part of change. That’s why we have our own intervention hub. With knowledge of our partners' most pressing issues, we will work with community leaders, activists, researchers on not only finding the best strategy for intervention, but also how to solve them. We will have an intervention “hotline” where partners and community leaders can submit projects where we can help.

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