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Relief Hub

Our signature outreach program designed to collaborate with partnering organizations to bring Tru Relief directly to the communities who need it ost.


  • Learn how we can

    • Types of Interventions Include:

      • Information Campaigns: This program will work in tandem with our Knowledge Network, taking information and turning into actionable solutions for community intervention. We create and deliver target campaigns that can help inform targeted publics.

      • Field Research: Research Participation: Our founder started this organization by conducting research on how to make NGOs/NonProfits more effective for constituents. As our Knowledge Network grows, he is inviting new partnering organizations to participate in his research and receive free assessments on how to make their organization more effective.

      • Community Planning: While TR pilots our own events. We would love to help you plan events and activities that can help your organization reach your goals.

    • Need help? Let’s chat!

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